Network2Work: Serving Our Community

A creative partnership between a local community program and small business to increase sustainable, living-wage employment.

Network2Work (N2Work) is a Community Self-Sufficiency Program founded by Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) to connect local low-income families to the necessary support to get and stay in quality jobs.

When we were first approached as a possble technology partner, we were extremely excited about its potential significance and developed the first software phase pro-bono. This enabled PVCC to significantly scale and raise funds for subsequent phases of the software.

Together, TD and PVCC created a mobile-friendly, engaging web application used by local employers, mentors and service providers. The system automates complex eligibility matching criteria and other manual intensive functions — freeing up users to focus on connecting people with jobs and resources.

In just one year after the tool launched:

  • 160% more Job Seekers
  • 81% Seekers have jobs
  • 63% earn more than $25k/year
We were honored to receive Charlottesville Business Innovation Council’s 2018 Social Good Award for our work with local communities.

In 2020, Network2Work was approved for roll-out to the entire state of Virginia. Pilot designs are underway, and we are extremely excited to see this program change the lives of so many more!

Reach out to Dave Alley ( to find out more about our partnership, and how you can get involved.