IT Assessments – Do You Need One?

Are your systems doing what people need? Is your tech on par with similar organizations? Ultimately, is your work easier, or harder?

An IT Assessment is an objective opinion on your company’s technology capabilities – what is the current state, and where the future state should be. Typically, this includes a system inventory, a gap analysis, an options evaluation, and a recommended strategic roadmap.

Why is it useful?

  • Maximize technology investments: How often has $$ been spent on new software, only to cause more frustration? Knowing the root cause prevents investments from falling short.
  • Increase workforce efficiencies: When done right, technology frees you up to focus on customers, employees, and other things that really matter.
  • Enable business goals: Technology is sometimes a key contributor e.g. scaling a business or creating a unique experience for the customer.

Do I need one?

  • Reactive vs strategic: Is your IT team great at putting out fires, but lacking a cohesive vision?
  • Poor return on investment: Have you invested in lots of expensive technologies, but they don’t quite do what your team needs?
  • Isolated systems: Is your data stored all over the place? Or it’s not clear which system to use for what, and how to do so?
  • Manual work: Are you re-entering the same information, painfully reconciling data,  or printing and filing stacks of paper?

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? Reach out – we’d love to help.