Clients vs. Users – Who Is The Real Winner?

Ever wonder why some software programs and apps are a challenge to use?

In some cases, the product is designed without sufficient end-user validation. Oftentimes, the features of the product are driven not by the users, but by the business.

There are two common mistakes in software design that prevent users from being the main motivation in the design effort.

1. Clients think they know their users

Clients make assumptions around who their users are, what their users need, why they would use their product, and how to accomplish a task.

“Customers have complained about X – adding Y will address that.”
“Let’s go with Z – it’s cool and different from our competitors; our customers will love it.”

With larger organizations, there are layers separating software designers from its users. A client has department heads, senior operators, and others – each making assumptions while advocating for features that serve their specific needs.

These assumptions may be right. Or they may be wrong. When decision-makers operate off invalid assumptions, software gets designed with the wrong priorities, for the wrong audience, or for the wrong reasons.

As a result, the software brings less value to either the user or the business. This can be avoided with data-driven research, such as market research and user testing.

2. Designing for the veteran or power user

First, what is a power user?

A power user is someone who uses all or most features of the software, and knows the functionality on an expert-level. They’re likely to be the ones submitting feedback and feature requests to the help desk.

When software is designed and tested by power users (i.e. experts who are accustomed to its complexity), it becomes hard-to-use to the average user.

The reality is that power users make up a very small percentage of an application’s user base; and while it may seem logical to design a product for users who have the most knowledge of the product, this way of thinking will actually drive a lot of users away.

Here are some things to look out for

  • Not making time for usability testing. There are easy, fast, and cost-effective ways to conduct user testing.,, are some examples of user testing sites. You can also host your own Zoom or Google Meeting and conduct your own user research with your testers.
  • Focusing on what’s cool instead of what brings value. Cool features may draw attention and create a memorable user experience, but make sure that a feature is getting built because it brings value to the users and is cost-effective to build and maintain.
  • Packing in features versus building what’s simple, usable, and necessary. More features doesn’t equate to a better product. The simpler a product is to use, the more likely your product will attract users and be successful.
  • Not seeking feedback after product launch. Many software vendor contracts end after launch with minimal on-going support. Post-launch user testing is often overlooked. This feedback is critical for continued business learning and overall growth of the product.

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